How to Create a Magical Polar Express Night with Your Family this Holiday Season
Photo Credit: Thomas Kinkade StudiosThomas Kinkade Studios
Wanna Create the Most Magical Polar Express Night with Your Family this Holiday Season?
Every year, during the month of December, we surprise the kids with a Magical Polar Express Night. I started this little tradition years before Ryan was born and have continued it through the years. This has seriously become the most anticipated night of December! There’s just something that feels so magical about all things Polar Express, so what better than dedicating an entire evening to Polar Express Night?!
Here’s how our Magical Polar Express Night begins.
We start the evening off with reading the book, Polar Express. Lila has figured out the last few years that this is a precursor to our Magical Polar Express Night, but so far has been really good about not spoiling it for her brother and sister. I’m not sure how my oldest isn’t the one who realizes it’s happening on that night, but I’m chalking it up to boys being a little less observant than girls!
Once the kids head up to bed, they find backpacks on their pillows that are filled with all the Magical Polar Express Night essentials. Each backpack includes new Christmas pajamas, a holiday lights scavenger hunt, and their “golden“ ticket along with a note instructing them on how to board “The Magical Polar Express”. The note basically just tells them to put on their pajamas, grab the ticket out of their backpack and head downstairs. While they’re following the instructions on their notes, Paul and I are downstairs quickly changing into our pajamas that match theirs, and making hot chocolate and popcorn.
Shop some of my favorite Polar Express essentials below!
“There’s just something that feels so magical about all things Polar Express.”
When they finally get downstairs, they’re greeted at the front door with their new Christmas mugs filled with hot chocolate, a bag of popcorn, and of course they have to stop for a photo op for mom. Let me just tell you, the looks on their little faces really do make it the most Magical Polar Express Night!
We then head outside and board the Polar Express, a.k.a. our car, and drive around town listening to Christmas music and looking at holiday lights. The kids each race to see who can find everything on their Christmas scavenger hunts first.
After we’ve driven all around town and have seen all the lights to there are to see, we head home where the kids head off to bed (for real this time) and hopefully dream of all the magic of the night!
I hope you’ve taken some notes on how to create your own magical polar express night with your family.
Make sure to check out my other blog post: Our Unique Family Activity Advent Calendar for more Christmas inspo and please let me know or tag me on Instagram if you create your own Magical Polar Express Night!
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